Superior fluid resolution that lasts1

• Beovu® outperformed aflibercept, with significantly fewer patients with IRF and/or SRF at Weeks 16 and 481

Patients with IRF and/or SRF on Beovu vs aflibercept1-4






Early superiority that lasts1 

  • Beovu outperformed aflibercept with superior CST reductions at Weeks 16 and 481*
  • The difference was maintained at Week 96 (P=0.0115 in HAWK, P<0.0001 in HARRIER)4,5†‡ 


CST Reductions for Beovu vs aflibercept1-4




LS=least squares; OCT=optical coherence topography.
*Secondary endpoint in HAWK and HARRIER, confirmatory analysis in HAWK only (1-sided P values for superiority of Beovu).2
†Secondary endpoints in HAWK and HARRIER; 2-sided P values.1     ‡No hypothesis testing was performed after Week 48.


Reduce thickness. Gain letters1

  • Most patients experienced vision gains and reductions in retinal thickness at Week 481

Averate patient CST response*3

OCT scan of Beovu patient on q12w
*OCT scans are a representation of mean patient response in HAWK.


Fewer patients with sub-RPE fluid5

  • Reductions in sub-RPE fluid were demonstrated at Weeks 16 and 485*
  • The difference was maintained at Week 965*


Fewer patients with sub-RPE on Beovu vs aflibercept1-4





*Secondary endpoints in HAWK and HARRIER; 2-sided P values.2,3
1. Dugel PU, Koh A, Ogura Y, et al; on behalf of the HAWK and HARRIER Study Investigators. HAWK and HARRIER: Phase 3, multicenter, randomized, double-masked trials of brolucizumab for neovascular age-related macular degeneration. Ophthalmology. 2020;127(1):72-123.
2. Data on file. RTH258-C001 Clinical Study Report. Novartis; 2018.
3. Data on file. RTH258-C002 Clinical Study Report. Novartis; 2018.
4. Data on file. RTH258-C001 & C002 IRF/SRF to 96. Novartis; 2018.
5. Summary of Product Characteristics. Novartis; 2020.
6. Data on file. RTH258 CST Data. Novartis; 2018.


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